Fastest finger first
Please note when making a purchase that our checkout system works on a 'first come, first served' basis, with no window for saving/reserving products in a basket before purchasing. This means that products are only secured once the entire checkout transaction is complete. This is to prevent cart-hoarding, whereby customers reserve items in their carts, preventing others from getting them, but then never purchasing the items they reserved.
We point this out because, if there is particularly high demand for a product when it goes on sale, ultimately it will come down to whoever completes the transaction first.
We understand the frustration some might feel when they reach checkout only to learn the product they wanted is no longer in stock, but the alternative scenario of having people reserving products in their carts then not completing a transaction creates even more complications. With the 'fastest finger first' policy, when a product shows as 'sold out', it really is 'sold out' instead of being stuck in the basket of someone who has no intention of completing a transaction. Feel free to contact us by email or via social media if you need any further clarification on this.